Murata Finland’s cultural etiquette was defined in 2022 together with the entire staff. It consists of six behaviors that strengthen employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. One of these is about “helping each other”.
We are all committed to acting in accordance with our cultural etiquette and to helping each other. We dare to ask for help and offer it. We remember that even the smallest gesture of kindness can mean the world to someone.
Why is helping important, is it difficult to ask for help, how does helping manifest in our work community, and how can we promote it? We asked for thoughts on helping from different parts of the organization.
In what situations have you asked for help?
“Murata Finland’s employees come from various backgrounds, but everyone’s values are respected. I believe Murata is a good example of how diversity helps create added value. I also want to be part of creating a work environment where everyone enjoys working and where diversity is a strength. However, I only have experience from Japan and China, so I hope to get help from Murata Finland’s employees, especially when we make decisions aimed at promoting our company culture and diversity.”
– Miura, Managing Director
“I usually ask for help when I have tried an idea to solve a problem and become stuck. Sometimes, seeking help or someone’s opinion helps me see the problem from a different angle. It could be that simply verbalizing it or being asked a few questions can provide clarity. Additionally, as someone who does not yet speak Finnish, I often seek support from my colleagues to ensure proper translation of emails or documents. Everyone has been supportive, helping me avoid making incorrect assumptions or decisions. It is always acceptable to seek clarifications. Another scenario arises when I am unsure about the requirements for my project. Consulting experts or those affected by the changes is preferable, and a simple Teams message or call can help solve problems or avoid mistakes.”
Izabella, Industrial Engineer
“My role is almost exclusively about asking for help. This work cannot be done alone, and tangible results cannot be achieved in this job by oneself. In reality, it is more about collaboration with different teams as we work together to optimize inertia sensors to meet our customers’ needs. Asking for help and collaborating are essential parts of developing a successful new product.”
Ville-Pekka, General Manager, Product Development
Is it difficult to ask for help?
“Sometimes it can be difficult to ask for help. For example, if you know that the person you are asking for help is very busy, or if you are seeking help on something that you are expected to already know or be able to do in your role. Especially the latter, in my opinion, is a very poor reason not to ask for help; however, this is how the human mind sometimes operates.”
Samuli, Manager, Process Quality
Why is helping each other so important?
“Helping drives many things such as innovation, skills, employee satisfaction and commitment. It is important to foster a culture where employees support one another as it helps us to improve operational efficiency, enhance competitiveness, and achieve sustainable growth. Our goal is to create a work environment where all employees feel safe to ask for help and support each other.”
– Miura, Managing Director
“I have seen how helping and brainstorming together at its best can help solve difficult problems. A new perspective can be helpful. I feel that we achieve better results through collaboration, and it is also more enjoyable to be at work.”
Tarja, Processing Operator
How can we promote a culture of helping?
“A culture of helping can be promoted by paying attention to the environment – is a colleague overloaded with work, is there something where you could help, do you dare to offer assistance? – Are there any deficiencies in the environment, could you help in fixing them? Helping can be both community-serving and personal. I believe that both are important.
When you help others, someone will help you someday. This is how we keep the cycle of goodwill going. A work community that helps each other thrives and fosters cooperation and a positive atmosphere. Helping does not take anything away from anyone; on the contrary, productivity and efficiency can improve as a result.”
Iina, Finance Assistant
At Murata Finland, actions in line with the cultural etiquette are also rewarded – anyone can suggest a cultural etiquette award for a colleague!