Tour de Chips (TdC) is a four-day cycling event that celebrates Finland’s unique semiconductor industry and chip manufacturing. The cycling route runs from Oulu through Tampere to Espoo, connecting the key hubs of semiconductor technology design and production. The goal is to raise awareness of the industry and promote networking among the players in the semiconductor ecosystem, while also highlighting the benefits of recreational exercise and the importance of sustainable development.
The event was held in its current form for the first time from August 9-12, 2024. Murata was one of the sponsors of the event, and I participated as a cyclist alongside my colleague Tuomas Kalliovaara. I have compiled the most significant events and highlights from the journey in this travel blog.
Friday, August 9: Oulu–Ylivieska 145 km
TdC began with an introductory lecture where we covered topics such as the basics of group riding, a detailed schedule, and procedures at the support stations. The event’s chief architect, Timo Aalto from VTT, had planned and prepared everything carefully and professionally. As a final highlight, we had Teemu Vasara from Murata to visit us; he scouted the Espoo-Oulu route in advance by cycling it in just 40 hours, which is quite an impressive achievement. After that, we were ready to start the journey with a group of 14 cycli

Timo Aalto led the event’s opening briefing at VTT’s facilities in Oulu.

Teemu Vasara from Murata scouted the Espoo-Oulu route in advance by cycling it in 40 hours.

Ready to start
The cycling began in sunny weather with a relaxed approach, focusing on practicing group riding along Oulu’s excellent bike paths. We noticed that riding in pairs has a very significant effect. If you stay close enough to the cyclist in front, you don’t have to work too hard, even though the average speed is relatively high. Those at the front of the line do have to put in more effort. Because of this, I volunteered to lead so I could get some exercise during the trip. Tuomas was also seen at the front several times.
We took breaks every hour and had lunch in Liminka. After that, we continued toward Ylivieska on forested routes. There was one minor fall along the way, but thankfully it only caused small scratches. In the evening, we arrived for dinner and sauna at the hotel Lounatuuli, where we also had a chance to introduce ourselves more deeply to one another. Many commonalities were found in our work history, military service, and studies.

At the rest stop

TdC promotional stickers on the sides of the support vehicles
Saturday, August 10: Ylivieska–Kuortane 190 km
Saturday morning dawned clear. In our pair formation, conversation partners changed every hour during breaks, and we had a variety of discussions along the way. However, after about 50 kilometers of riding, it started to rain, so we put on our rain gear. The basics of riding in the rain quickly became familiar: your gear is wet all the time due to either sweat or rain, but the rain clothes keep you warm.
The next challenge was our first flat tire. Changing a tire in the rain is a bit more difficult, but it goes smoothly enough if you have sufficient practice. And there were plenty of friends around to help out. We had lunch in Kaustinen before continuing toward Kuortane. The sun began to shine again gradually, allowing us to remove our rain gear. In the wind and sun, our equipment dried quickly (except for our shoes). At Kuortane Sports Institute, we enjoyed sauna and dinner in beautiful surroundings and weather.

We cycled and changed tires also in the rain.

Sunset at Lake Kuortane
Sunday, August 11: Kuortane–Tampere 175 km
The cycling started in sunny weather along Route 66, and along the way, we saw Alvar Aalto’s childhood home as well as Soile Yli-Mäyry’s art courtyard. We had lunch pizzas in Virrat, after which the journey continued toward Tampere. On our winding and hilly route toward Tampere, we also crossed paths with attendees from the Power Truck Show. We took an extra break to allow the worst of the traffic behind us to clear up.
Along the way, some members of the group were interested in trying out a faster travel pace, so a separate sprint competition was arranged for them. In this playful competition, Murata’s “bike nerds” beat Okmetic’s “wonder team.” At the end of the day, we arrived in Tampere at Varala Sports Institute, where we enjoyed another sauna and dinner. We managed to avoid the rain quite well; although it rained almost everywhere else, our route stayed dry.

The TdC support team was professional and invaluable.

Ready to set off again after the break.
Monday, August 12: Tampere–Espoo 190 km
At breakfast, we noted that sunscreen wouldn’t be needed today. The cycling started in the rain and at a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius along Pyynikki Ridge toward Lempäälä. Our gear got wet quickly, but cycling began to warm us up comfortably. The cold never really bit at any point. We had lunch at Hämeenlinna University of Applied Sciences, after which it was time for the final stretch to Espoo. The weather seemed promising as the sun started to shine, but then rain showers began again. Around Nurmijärvi, we had to pedal through a long downpour segment. However, near the Keimola racetrack, the weather improved once more, and the rest of the journey through Vantaa and Helsinki to Espoo was under sunny skies. At Micronova’s facilities, we enjoyed one last light dinner, sauna, and sparkling drink. This is how the event came to a celebratory conclusion.

How many engineers does it take to fix one bike?
TdC Arrival at Micronova.
The event was a great success, and the participants had a wonderful atmosphere throughout the journey. A big thank you goes to the event’s chief architect, Timo Aalto, and the professional support team. The role of sponsors was also significant. The themes of the benefits of recreational exercise and the importance of sustainable development were well highlighted.
A total of 21 people participated in the event, of whom about half cycled the entire distance. The total route length was about 700 kilometers. A road bike is recommended as it makes for an easier ride even with a slightly lower fitness level. Other types of bikes are also acceptable, but this requires a bit more experience.
Planning for TdC 2025 has already begun!
Over and out.
Mikko Partanen
Manager, MEMS Design
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